



Once again, my coworkers showed how festive halloween can be…

2 minute read

October 30, 2009, 10:04 PM

We definitely had some interesting costumes this time around at our office halloween party. Check it out:

Halloween costumes at work in 2009

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So I figured out what I’m going to be for halloween this year…

< 1 minute read

October 22, 2009, 10:46 PM

So I found my inspiration for this year’s halloween costume:


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Categories: Halloween, Tea Party

So the teabaggers put on quite a show, but they’re ultimately harmless.

3 minute read

September 15, 2009, 11:33 PM

So on Saturday, as promised, I was in downtown Washington covering the “Taxpayer March on Washington” with photos and videos. This was the big protest that the so-called “teabaggers” participated in on September 12. I’m planning on doing a full Photography set about this demonstration, but for now, here’s a little sampling of what went on, plus some videos.

If you want people to take you seriously, it's always a good idea to reference Joe the Plumber, who is neither Joe nor a plumber.
If you want people to take you seriously, it’s always a good idea to reference Joe the Plumber, who is neither Joe nor a plumber.

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Categories: Tea Party

So Saturday is going to be a lot of fun in more ways than one…

2 minute read

September 11, 2009, 7:03 PM

Saturday ought to be exciting. Lots of activism in the air on Saturday.

First of all, the teabaggers are going to Washington. I’ve never been to one of these “tea parties” before, and so it ought to be interesting to see what the right wing is like when they protest. I don’t believe they’re right by any stroke of the imagination, but we’ll see what happens. I’m going to be really inconspicuous about it, and hopefully get lots of interesting photos and movies of the event, and then post it up, most likely as a Photography set of some sort. It ought to be amusing.

The teabaggers’ plan is fairly standard as far as protests go. They’re gathering at Freedom Plaza, and then marching to the Capitol, where they’re having a rally. However, the timeframe is pretty ambitious, if you ask me. They’re starting up at 9 AM at Freedom Plaza, and beginning their march at 11:30. Then they expect to arrive at the Capitol and begin their rally at 1:00. I looked at that agenda, and was like, damn… After all, for most of the left-wing events I usually go to and participate in because I support the cause, they often don’t get started until noon, and things run a little later. And even then, things still run on “activist time”, where they’ll say noon, but it really means 12:30 or even 1:00. So we’ll see how well these guys keep to their schedule.

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“Cut your cheese in style” probably didn’t go over as well as the writers hoped…

5 minute read

August 12, 2009, 10:46 PM

First of all, let me just say that I am WIRED tonight. One of my coworkers, who recently came back from an extended vacation overseas, brought a loaf of palm sugar and a plate of coffee beans to work, and the idea was to take a pinch of sugar (it has the consistency of brown sugar), and some coffee beans, pop both in at once, and enjoy. Something tells me I had too many coffee beans today – on top of my regular daily cup of coffee. And to add to it, today’s coffee was the best kind – that bottom-of-the-pot coffee that’s super strong. My coworkers even commented that I was particularly “animated” today. I blame the excess caffeine. Perhaps crunching on coffee beans and then washing it down with a cup of coffee wasn’t the best idea…

But the caffeine buzz might just work, because I have a lot to say today.

First of all, the title of this entry. I spotted this on the front page of the Express today:

"Cut your cheese in style"
Image: Express

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