The Schumin Web

Contact Information

This page provides information about how to contact Ben Schumin, owner and operator of The Schumin Web and related sites.

If you are inquiring about reusing original content from The Schumin Web, please use the licensing inquiry form on the Content Licensing page.

If you were contacted by Pixsy regarding unauthorized usage of a photo from this site or another one of my web properties, please be advised that if you contact me about it directly, my only response to you will be to refer you back to your contact at Pixsy.  I will also notify Pixsy that the communication occurred.  Pixsy is my designated agent for resolving such matters, and as such, all communications are handled exclusively by them.

Social Media

The fastest way to get a hold of me directly is through Facebook and Instagram.


Go to Schumin Web‘s Facebook profile, and drop me a message there.  I check Facebook far more than I check my Email, and so you are more likely to get a quick response if you send it through Facebook.  Please send a message to the website’s Facebook profile, and not to my personal profile.  The reason is because Facebook notifies me immediately for messages to the website from anybody, but it does not do the same for my personal Facebook profile for people who aren’t on my friends list.  Additionally, if you wish to register your support and receive updates about new content and changes, go to The Schumin Web‘s Facebook page and “Like” the page.


Go to my Instagram profile (@schuminweb) and send me a direct message.


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