



Kale pops?

3 minute read

May 8, 2013, 11:57 PM

So last week on Facebook, a friend of mine posted a status where she scoffed at a recipe for kale pops.  Basically, the gist was that it seemed gross, and this was a bit over the top for getting kids to eat vegetables.  I thought it was crazy enough that it just might work, and asked my friend to pass the recipe along, which she did.  Basically, to make these Yogurt Kale Popsicles, you take the kale, some nonfat plain yogurt, frozen strawberries, frozen pineapple pieces, and some stevia, and then you throw it all into a blender and blend it until it’s smooth.

This evening, I went over to Giant after I went swimming and got all of the stuff to make it happen.  I had the stevia, and I had previously gotten the popsicle molds on Amazon (I tried several places locally, and none had them!).  Then I just had to get the kale, the yogurt, and the fruit.  Giant was out of both the frozen pineapple and the frozen strawberries (hey, it was late in the evening), and so I substituted fresh.  Just as well, I suppose, considering that I was blending it all until it was smooth anyway.

And then when I got home, I started throwing things into the blender.  First, the kale and the fruit:

The kale and the fruit, all loaded in

The kale and the fruit, all loaded in, from overhead

Then the yogurt:

Now with the yogurt

Now with the yogurt, from overhead

Then just add the stevia, and then away we go!  At this juncture, by the way, it should be noted that kale on bottom was a bad idea.  It ended up sitting above the blades, and so when I started it up, nothing happened.  I ended up having to mix it around a little bit with a big spoon:

Mixed around a little bit with a big spoon

Mixed around a little bit with a big spoon, from overhead

And that took care of it.  Look at this concoction:

All blended!  And yes, my blender says, "YES, IT BLENDS!" on the front of it.

My kale concoction, from overhead

At this point, I had a small sample of it with the spoon.  The flavor vaguely reminded me of a Strawberry Julius (from Orange Julius).  One shouldn’t take this as what the final product should taste like, since it’s served frozen, but that was reassuring.  It wasn’t bad.  And then from there it was into the molds:

My kale concoction, in the popsicle molds

And then into the freezer:

And into the freezer with them!

And now they’re just chilling out in my freezer.  Once these are all frozen, I’ll have to try one out.  I figure I’ll try one tomorrow morning or after work.  I’ll leave a comment below about how they taste once I’ve tried one.  Should be interesting in any case.

Categories: Food and drink