



The arrival of a new statue…

2 minute read

June 28, 2012, 10:18 PM

So apparently my office building is getting a new statue in the courtyard.  They closed off the 1600 block of P Street NW around 4:30 or so this afternoon to deliver it, no less.  The statue is of a firefighter and a dog, and is, as best as I can tell, the National Fire Dog Monument for the American Humane Association, which is headquartered in the other building of the office complex where I work.  This certainly caused a fun little interruption to the day just before it was time to go home.  And here it is:

The statue, on the truck.
The statue, on the truck.

Closeup of the statue.
Closeup of the statue.

Getting the statue ready to take off of the truck via forklift.
Getting the statue ready to take off of the truck via forklift.

There you go, I suppose.  Once it’s installed, I’ll show you what it looks like in place.  So stay tuned.

Web site: The National Fire Dog Monument

Song: How I found out about it: a coworker and I are on the phone with, and another coworker come in and points it out through my window. Distracting while we were on the call, but it certainly was interesting to see once I was off the call.

Quote: And no - I don't know exactly where it's going to be in the courtyard, but I will let you know. Hopefully it's enough distance from the big bird sculpture in there already that the giant birds won't make the firefighter statue look small.

Categories: Work