



Would you buy a used E-meter from this man?

4 minute read

March 15, 2010, 12:17 AM

Anonymous had its March raid on Saturday. Appropriately, it was Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard‘s 99th birthday on the day we raided. Our theme was over-the-top rainbow.

I, however, had a different look in mind for myself. Working next door to the monstrosity known as the Founding Church of Scientology, I see them around quite a bit. And the uniform for the Org staff at the Ideal Org location is a black suit and gold pocket square. The shirt varies between black turtleneck and white collared shirt. I have a black suit. I also have a black turtleneck. And with this kind of spoofing in mind, I ordered a gold pocket square. And I dressed up in their uniform, in order to possibly de-legitimize the Scientologists in the eyes of the public. So the question becomes, would you buy a used E-meter from this man?

Would you buy a used E-meter from this man?

I wouldn’t. But I would gladly take that You Found The Card card that he’s handing out.

The only downside to this particular weekend was that it was raining a good bit, but it held out for most of our raid. But the threat of rain was enough that I kept the Canon covered, and used Duckie for this raid. Plus Duckie had the added advantage of being pocket-sized, so I could stuff it in my pocket when I wasn’t using it. The whole Scilon-suit bit came off really well, but it wouldn’t work with a big camera around my neck the whole time.

Otherwise, though, the rainbow theme came off really well:

And we had cake…

Rainbow cake

The cake was rainbow on the inside, too! Win!

We also had plenty of signage, as you might expect:

Group photo!

Group photo!

Then the Scientologists were out in force again this month, this time sporting their “Volunteer Minister” jackets:

Then the Scientologists were out in force again this month, this time sporting their "Volunteer Minister" jackets.

Obviously they didn’t get the memo that just because you want to call yourself a minister doesn’t make you one. HT did a wonderful job keeping the Scientologists occupied, which freed us up to interact with the public. I gave out a whole stack of You Found The Card cards. Scientology spokesmodel Sylvia Stanard occasionally came by to talk to us, but was met with silence from us. Talking to Sylvia is like talking to a brick wall, and so there’s really no point in engaging her.

Most amusing was when Tony (the guy with the big mustache, whom I am thoroughly convinced is a moron based on his actions) handed me a flyer that invited me to come to one of their “open houses”, while simultaneously preaching Scientology’s anti-psychiatry stance. Craziness. Will I take him up on his invitation? We shall see, I suppose. If nothing else, I want to see what kind of pull stations the Ideal Org has. I know that they have Edwards Genesis speaker/strobes in there based on observations from my building, but I don’t know if they have the classic Edwards pull station with the stripes, the dual-action Edwards pull station, or something else entirely. I’ve been wondering this for about five months now. Yes, I’m wondering about what the opposition’s fire alarms are. I am a nerd…

We also got lots of honks from passing cars. Best honk of all was near the end of our raid, when a DC fire truck blew its big fire truck horn for us. EPIC!

So there you have it. Next raid is April 17. See you there?

Web site: System Sensor speaker/strobe plays a slow whoop, a Wheelock fire alarm voice announcement, and then plays "Love Train"! I'm amused, needless to say.

Song: "You Are A Pirate", to which we once again danced.

Quote: Then after we had dinner at Ballston Common Mall, I soon learned to hate the Ballston Common Mall parking garage. I went up to what I thought was my level, and saw an empty space where I thought my car should be. I started to think the worst, thinking that my car had either been towed or stolen. Either way, not good. I went down what I thought was one parking level via the Macy's escalator (I didn't realize then that I was actually going two levels down). No car there, either. I eventually found my car by sounding its panic button. I heard the car go off, and the sound came from above me. That was a relief. The car was nearby. So I went back up. No car. I hit the panic button again. It now sounded like it was going off below me. I knew I had parked next to the wall, so I followed the sound and looked down. There, I saw flashing lights and the horn was loud and clear. Ah, there was an intermediate level between the two shopping levels! I ended up leaving the alarm on, and used a stairwell to go down a level, and found the car. Meanwhile, I don't quite understand how I missed that I was on an intermediate level and not the one closer in height to the second floor of the mall. Oh, well...

Categories: Project Chanology