



It’s like playing “find the buried treasure”…

3 minute read

December 20, 2009, 3:02 PM

Remember how I said I wasn’t going to clear my car until at least Monday? Well, I lied. First of all, I was bored, and it was something to do. Secondly, I started to think about things a bit. If I have work tomorrow, this will be about the only opportunity I’ll have to clear the car out in daylight, because this time of year, it’s dark by the time I get home. Plus if there’s any melt-and-refreeze action, it might make the snow harder to clear later.

So I went out to the parking lot of my apartment complex with a broom, and kind of dug out my car. Note the use of the term “kind of”. I cleared most of the snow off the upper half of my car. The lower half is still firmly embedded in the snow, and I don’t have the tools necessary to clear that out. But at least you can see the windows, and know that yes, there is actually a car under there (though mine wasn’t buried as deeply as others’ were).

But at least the car has lost its hat, and you can distinguish enough features to tell that it’s my car. The windows are clear, and the foot or so of snow on the roof is gone. So here’s the result of my handiwork:

I found two headlights, a grille, a bumper, and a license plate! Seriously, it was like I went digging and found a car.
I found two headlights, a grille, a bumper, and a license plate! Seriously, it was like I went digging and found a car.

This is the real reason that the Sable's still not going anywhere anytime soon. There is about two feet's worth of snow piled up behind it that I'm not inclined to move.
This is the real reason that the Sable’s still not going anywhere anytime soon. There is about two feet’s worth of snow piled up behind it that I’m not inclined to move.

And then on the passenger side, the snow is piled up just about to the hood.
And then on the passenger side, the snow is piled up just about to the hood.

So there you go. The car is still snowbound, but at least now the remaining snow on the topsides has a fighting chance of melting. I swept my balcony a few times during the snow, and that thing is now just about dry, and thus I have full use of my balcony again. Thankfully, though, the car is not something I need to get to work. I’ll just toddle over to the bus stop and wait for the blue and green bus with “51 GLENMONT” on the front of it to take me to the Metro, and then take the train from there.

Of course, this assumes that Metro has dug itself out by then. As of now, Metro is only running limited service on 23 bus routes. The “Y” buses are not part of that list, but the Q2 is, which is somewhat promising, since it means that at least part of Georgia Avenue is passable enough for a bus to get by.

Web site: Discussion on reworking downtown Wheaton. If any of these come to pass, I hope that they retain the character of Wheaton. Currently, it's very hispanic, and I like that, because it lends a bit of culture to the place.

Song: Mr. T puts the "T" in IT. "Let me tell you what my name is. First name 'Mister', middle name 'period', last name, 'T'! Tastes like chicken, sucka!"

Quote: Meanwhile, I'm reading on Capital Weather Gang about what makes a perfect snowstorm.

Categories: Snowpocalypse