



Long hat is long!

5 minute read

December 15, 2008, 7:12 PM

Let me just say that I had a wonderful day on Saturday. First off, I had an early lunch with Kathleen Haines, the Lutheran and Presbyterian campus minister at JMU, whom I had not seen since 2004. We went to Cafe Luna, one of my favorite Dupont Circle restaurants. Kathleen looks exactly the same as she did back in my day, and we had great stories to share. It was great seeing her again. And afterwards, we got a quick photo together:

Kathleen Haines and Ben Schumin

And yes, this was a quick turn-the-phone-on-ourselves kind of shot.

Then afterwards, I had a date with Anonymous. So I changed from mild-mannered citizen to crazy Anon, with many Internet memes on the tip of my tongue. This time around, the theme was “Operation Snow White Christmas”, drawing attention to Operation Snow White and the many other injustices perpetrated by the Church of Scientology. And for this occasion, this was my outfit:

My outfit for the December raid

Yes, I went with the Guy Fawkes mask once again, since it’s too cold for the zentai, and I don’t do bandannas for Anonymous anymore. Plus as you can see, I’m wearing this very cool Santa Claus hat that is about three feet long. So what did I say about it? I said, “Well, long hat is long.” And long it is. Seriously, that hat goes halfway down my back. And it only cost me seven dollars at Kmart. Not a bad deal. And then MisterTastee is holding up Raptor Jesus behind me.

But the raid went very well. We had a good turnout, got tremendously epic lulz, and passed out a lot of literature to passers-by. Raptor Jesus was a big hit, too.

And the photos were great, too:

We passed out literature.
We passed out literature.

"You don't know who I am," while holding a finger with a mustache drawn on it in front of the David Miscavige mask.
“You don’t know who I am,” while holding a finger with a mustache drawn on it in front of the David Miscavige mask.

We had a "fail org" made out of gingerbread, complete with some unhappy-looking Scilons, and a few Anons wearing Guy Fawkes masks around the outside.
We had a “fail org” made out of gingerbread, complete with some unhappy-looking Scilons, and a few Anons wearing Guy Fawkes masks around the outside.

And let no one try to tell you otherwise - it was really cold for this raid. So much so that JB was using this cup of coffee not as much for the coffee but for the warmth. After all, warm cup is warm, and a warm cup of coffee keeps one's hands from freezing, and keeps you warm inside, too.
And let no one try to tell you otherwise – it was really cold for this raid. So much so that JB was using this cup of coffee not as much for the coffee but for the warmth. After all, warm cup is warm, and a warm cup of coffee keeps one’s hands from freezing, and keeps you warm inside, too.

Yes, we even had a "fail Santa suit", with which we made ourselves a "fail Santa". It was such fun.  Yes, we even had a "fail Santa suit", with which we made ourselves a "fail Santa". It was such fun.
Yes, we even had a “fail Santa suit”, with which we made ourselves a “fail Santa”. It was such fun.

And of course, even a fail Santa has to have a sleigh, and here it is, with Longcat on both sides. And in case you're wondering, yes, Longcat is long. And Santa loves Raptor Jesus.
And of course, even a fail Santa has to have a sleigh, and here it is, with Longcat on both sides. And in case you’re wondering, yes, Longcat is long. And Santa loves Raptor Jesus.

And then of course everyone wanted to have a moment with Raptor Jesus.
And then of course everyone wanted to have a moment with Raptor Jesus.

We also had a station where various people sat holding a sign pointing at the Org to indicate that the Church of Scientology lies to people. We had a number of sign holders…

Santa Claus...
Santa Claus…

Santa's helpers...
Santa’s helpers…

And even Raptor Jesus.
And even Raptor Jesus.

And then with the mistletoe out, we were also out spreading Anon-love…

And of course, one Anon went as a Christmas tree, complete with branches, lights, and a star.

And of course, one Anon went as a Christmas tree, complete with branches, lights, and a star.

Kind of reminds you of Super Zeo Zord V a little bit, don’t you think?

We also had dancing, both to 80s music…

And even a “Weird Al” Yankovic polka.

And yes, JB playfully “attacked” my camera right there, with oversized lollipop in hand (and don’t think we didn’t get some mileage out of the “hairy lollipop” thing).

And in a stunning finale, we smashed the gingerbread Org.

Afterwards, we went to Bailey’s in Ballston, and we had a blast. We took Metro, and JB made sure that Raptor Jesus was comfortable while on board Breda 4007 to Ballston:

We took Metro, and JB made sure that Raptor Jesus was comfortable while on board Breda 4007 to Ballston.

And I didn’t get home until almost 11:00 at night. But on the way home, a number of Anons figured out that I was a major railfan, as they found out that I knew all the car types, all the routes, and could even rattle off entire lines at once. Seriously. It was like this:

Anon: Name the stops on the Orange Line.
Me: Vienna, Dunn Loring, West Falls Church, East Falls Church, Ballston, Virginia Square, Clarendon, Court House, Rosslyn, Foggy Bottom, Farragut West, McPherson Square, Metro Center, Federal Triangle, Smithsonian, L’Enfant Plaza, Federal Center, Capitol South, Eastern Market, Potomac Avenue, Stadium-Armory, Minnesota Avenue, Deanwood, Cheverly, Landover, New Carrollton. Anything else you’d like to know?

They were impressed. But they wondered if it was a fluke. So they went for a second line.

Anon: Can you do the Green Line?
Me: Okay, let’s see… Branch Avenue, Suitland, Naylor Road, Southern Avenue, Congress Heights, Anacostia, Navy Yard, Waterfront, L’Enfant Plaza, Archives, Gallery Place, Mt. Vernon Square, Shaw, U Street, Columbia Heights, Georgia Avenue-Petworth, Fort Totten, West Hyattsville, PG Plaza, College Park-University of Maryland, Greenbelt.

That’s when I got the title “Railfag”, which I shall wear with pride. After all, I earned it.

So all in all, I had a fun day. I love Project Chanology. The Church of Scientology is a horrid organization that needs to be stopped, and we always have such fun.

Web site: Another video: "Tom Cruise" bites the dust and is carried off the scene.

Song: "Polkamon" by Weird Al Yankovic

Quote: And for the record, I still love the V for Vendetta mask with glasses. It looks strangely intellectual, if you ask me...

Categories: LPCM, Project Chanology