



Now let’s travel to Breda 3040…

< 1 minute read

March 4, 2007, 8:54 AM

As promised, I have posted the videos of the man singing on the Metro to YouTube. And here you are:

Singing “Age of Aquarius”

Singing “Puff the Magic Dragon”

The images itself are somewhat unimportant, unless you like looking at my shoes. This is because I was filming in such a way so that I got the mic on the camera as close as possible to the guy to get a good sound, and I think I did that. And as a result, the lens was pointed at the floor.

So there you go. He was certainly off in his own little world as we rode through the world of the Yellow Line.

Web site: My YouTube profile, if you're interested

Song: Puff, the Magic Dragon

Quote: That's certainly something...

Categories: Amusing, DC trips, WMATA