



If you can imagine this…

2 minute read

December 18, 2006, 7:53 PM

Picture with me if you will…

I’m walking up Diagonal Road in Alexandria towards the Old Town Transit Shop, and right when I get there, I hear a loud crashing sound and see sparks. Then I see a tire rolling down towards King Street station. A gentleman in a red SUV actually dropped a wheel! Literally dropped a wheel, as the left front wheel separated from the car and, now liberated, went rolling on its own down the hill. My exact reaction was to say a four-letter word that I can’t say in this space. So I went in to see my friend Tristan, and what did we do? We went outside to look. We both couldn’t believe that this guy had dropped a wheel. But the car was visibly off-kilter, leaning down in the direction of that missing wheel. I’m sure that the guy was not happy about that.

Otherwise, I had a lovely walk in Georgetown, discovering The Shops at Georgetown Park, which is a very expensive three-story shopping mall on M Street. I got a few pictures of it, and I’m going to tell Sis about it, since she loves to shop. Those of you who have seen the movie First Kid will know Georgetown Park, since that is the place where the big hostage/shootout scene happens.

I also went out into Green Line country to check out the new signage related to the Yellow Line’s extension to Fort Totten. I came out at U Street, and saw a bunch of police cars and an ambulance rushing towards the 7-Eleven store just east of Ben’s Chili Bowl. Turns out that someone got shot. If I can find any news reports about it, I’ll let you know.

And now I’m at Pentagon City. And it’s amazing how many people picked up on the fact that I was in town on a Monday. All of my regular stops and people have said, “It’s not Tuesday, what’s up?” Some also took note that I was running early on the way up. I got an early start, so I cleared Manassas by 9:15. Plus traffic was light.

So now I’m going to go curl up with a copy of The Washington Post over at Pentagon Row, and then later go home via Whitesell’s in Waynesboro, where the car’s getting dropped off to get the windshield re-sealed. Then Dad’s going to complete my DC trip by taking me home from there.

Web site: Wikipedia on First Kid

Song: Whatever's playing on the horn at the Apple store

Quote: "Tag! You're it!" - Me to my friend Heidi on her answering machine, as I returned her phone message, as we seem to be involved in a game of phone tag.