



The new strap is taking some getting used to, but it works…

2 minute read

October 23, 2006, 8:19 PM

Hello from Pentagon City on my Richmond-to-DC trip, where I started from home, drove to Richmond via I-64, and took the driving tour through downtown Richmond, which is best described as the good, the bad, and the ugly – very ugly. I don’t call Richmond the “armpit of the state” for nothing.

Then I swung up I-95 to Fredericksburg, where I explored around a bit. One of these days, I will figure out something to photograph while I’m there. Then from there, I continued to Woodbridge, where I visited Potomac Mills. Very quiet place this time around, with my visit occurring on a Monday afternoon. Then I drove up US 1 a bit, and caught the Metro at Huntington. I visited my friend Tristan, and then went around a bit on the Metro, ending up here at Pentagon City.

So fun stuff. From here, I’m going to railfan over to Franconia-Springfield, then double back to King Street and ride back to Huntington, where the Sable is parked. Then leaving Huntington, I’m going to take US 1 to the 14th Street Bridge, and then drive into Washington. I don’t know what my route will be there yet. Then from there, I’m going to take I-66 to US 29, take 29 to Charlottesville, then catch I-64 again to go back home.

Thus we have the first of my six days off, in this use-them-or-lose-them vacation I’m taking. If I didn’t take my vacation days before my anniversary in November, I’d lose those three days. And I’m not thumbing my nose at getting paid to do whatever I want.

Meanwhile, I got to listen to WRVA (AM 1140) while in the Richmond area, and listened to the Glenn Beck Program. Then I listened to Rush Limbaugh on WRVA, and then when that got out of range, I switched to WMAL (AM 630) to continue listening to Rush. Then I later caught Sean Hannity, and then finally Mark Levin. I also finally gave WTOP (FM 103.5) a listen, at the urging of my friend Oren. And between the AM talk stations and WTOP, sorry, Oren, I’m sticking with AM radio.

Does anyone find it odd that while I’m left-wing (very left wing), that I regularly listen to conservatives on talk radio in the car? Actually, nothing solidifies one’s left-wing position more than listening to those bozos rant and rave about the latest thing that the Democrats are doing. Plus it is something for the mind to chew on while driving, which is why I prefer talk radio to music while I’m driving. It’s so much more intellectually stimulating than one song after the other.

It should also be noted that when I can’t find any other talk on the radio, I have a podcast of Bruce Williams on my iPod. Bruce Williams is perhaps the only one of these talk radio hosts that I genuinely respect. Mr. Williams is very smart, and genuinely tries to be helpful to his callers about issues mostly related to business, vs. most of these pompous and arrogant (albeit also well-educated) people that populate talk radio.

So fun stuff. Now, as the hour passes 9:00, though, I must be off…

Web site: WMAL, the AM talk radio station I've been listening to in the DC area

Song: Aretha Franklin: Think

Quote: "You're listening to the EIB Network..." from Rush Limbaugh's show

Categories: DC trips, Driving, Radio