



College shirt weekend at work led to an amusing photo in the end…

2 minute read

July 23, 2006, 1:47 AM

Yes, it was college shirt weekend at our store this weekend, and so I made sure to represent JMU.

But what’s funny is the shirt that I chose. I went hunting through my closet to find a JMU shirt. I was really looking for a “JMU Alumni” shirt that Mom got me, since that’s what I really wanted to wear. I ended up not finding that, and the only thing I found that was suitable for late July ended up being my old Office of Residence Life “purple shirt”. That would be this shirt, seen here back in the day. So I wore that under my vest. And purple and maroon certainly do look good together. Judge for yourself:

Wearing the Residence Life "purple shirt" with my Wal-Mart vest

It seems to work. Though purple is still not my color, and I’ve not bought ANYTHING purple since graduating from JMU, which is the land of purple and gold. Still, I never thought I’d be wearing a Wal-Mart vest over my old purple shirt…

But the amusing picture came after work. I figure, I’m wearing the purple shirt, and so I might as well get some mileage out of it. I figure it’s time to have a little fun with Residence Life, since I’ve graduated and what are they going to do. And so the question becomes, what would an RA at James Madison University not want to be seen doing in their purple shirt? Hint: What do RAs have to bust their residents for doing on weekend nights?

Yeah, basically anything alcohol-related. So what did I do? Before I left the store, I posed in the purple shirt back in the beer aisle, and Sis took my photo with my cell phone. And here it is:

Wearing the Residence Life "purple shirt" while holding two 12-packs of Beast

That’s me, wearing the Residence Life purple shirt, and carrying two 12-packs of Milwaukee’s Best (aka “Beast”) on my shoulders. Now mind you, I didn’t actually buy any beer. I don’t drink. But the photo is priceless nonetheless. I even jokingly mentioned that I should Email a copy to Mecca Marsh (my old hall director) and to Greg Czyszczon (our old area coordinator) just to see what they’d say.

And I also find it’s nice to have a little fun with an organization that takes itself FAR too seriously, as that was one of my problems with Residence Life. They took themselves far too seriously, and were unable to laugh at themselves. I feel sorry for people like that.

So yeah, I had fun. Not as much fun as with the cow hat from last week, but nonetheless, this was fun.

Web site: Letters in The Breeze about various beer-related T-shirts, and the "I bleed purple" shirts from a while back

Song: Various TV-related remixes

Quote: Really funny would have been if I'd had one of those "JMU Beer Pong" shirts, but I don't, plus I wouldn't have been allowed to wear that at work anyway. That and I don't drink, and have never played Beer Pong in my life.

Categories: JMU, Walmart