



Fishing for dachshunds…

< 1 minute read

May 18, 2005, 10:07 AM

I just went over to Mom and Dad’s room and fished Greta out from under the bed. Today was Merry Maids day, and so they came and gave the house a cleaning. And Greta goes and hides under Mom and Dad’s bed while they’re here.

This goes back to a recurring thread with Greta. She thinks she’s a ferocious watchdog, protecting her family from intruders. But a watchdog she is not. She barks at the TV, and when the Merry Maids show up, she hides under the bed, and barks from there. She goes under the bed on one side, and crawls all the way over to the other side, and stays there. Some watchdog. And then once the Merry Maids leave, she stays there and continues to bark. Sis tried to fish her out earlier (which involves calling her to come out), with no success. So an hour or so after she tried, I successfully extracted her, picking up the dust ruffle around the bed, and calling to her to come out. She came out the same way she went in. And she still won’t shut up. Once she figures out that no one’s around, she’ll be satisfied.

Web site: History of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which I've been reading this morning.

Song: "We're the ants!" from King's Quest V, which was a downright humorous song amidst an otherwise-serious King's Quest game

Quote: And now, I'm going out to get my eyes checked, and mail off some stuff I sold on eBay.

Categories: Greta