



I got a compliment…

< 1 minute read

April 12, 2005, 7:02 PM

Today, as I was clocking out for lunch, I found this on a paper by the time clock:

Cashier Ben – phone call from customer – friendliest associate in store – would wait in his line no matter how long.

That absolutely made my day, you know that? That put the spring in my step, and I was just tickled pink. It’s always good to know that someone appreciates you.

Web site: Speaking of retail, I completed a rehabilitation of my Online Store today after work, and so here it is for all to see.

Song: Not a song, but a phrase that was the running joke of the day: "Guys with nails". I commented to a coworker about how I like to have nice nails when I go to protests, like the one I'm going to this weekend with Sis. Why? It makes me feel good. Even in cases where I'm wearing gloves all day to stay warm and thus no one can see them, like at the counter-inaugural, I still want to demonstrate with nice nails. They have some white at the end but not too much, so that I can pick up all manner of stuff, but not so long to where they get in the way or turn into talons. According to a coworker, the length of my nails is on the borderline between "nice" and that overly-long "guys with nails" thing.

Quote: A coworker to my sister last summer, regarding my Online Store: "Do you know that your brother sells drawers (referring to the classic thong) on his Web site?"

Categories: Walmart