



Some people…

< 1 minute read

March 16, 2005, 2:17 PM

Good afternoon! I am writing this entry from the Brian MacKenzie Infoshop in Northwest DC, which I’ve visited on a number of occasions before.

And I don’t understand what is the deal with some people. On my way to the Infoshop, just outside the Shaw-Howard University Metro station, as I walk by this group of kids, they started throwing rocks at me. These kids had to be no older than ten. I figured that talking to them would be a waste, so I just kept on going.

Then out in front of the Infoshop, this lady came up to me, said she loved me, gave me a hug and a kiss, and then hit me up for money. This would be the same technique that children such as the ones described above would do to get something out of an adult. “Hey, you’re pretty, can I have a dollar?” That just irked me.

Otherwise, though, my day is going quite well here in Washington. Did some serious railfanning, and also took care of a few other things. So life is good.

Still, some people… I just don’t understand it.

Web site: The Brian MacKenzie Infoshop, where I'm composing this Journal entry today.

Song: The sound of a train of CAF cars arriving at a station... I got a CAF down from Fort Totten on the Green Line.

Quote: Also, I got another photo of Rohr 1077 (wrecked at Woodley Park-Zoo in November) from a passing Red Line train while 1077 was sitting at Brentwood.

Categories: DC trips, Some people