



It’s nice to just kind of go out on the town for a bit… the local town, that is.

2 minute read

January 14, 2005, 5:25 PM

It’s nice to go out on the town a bit. That’s what I did today. I had some errands to run, and went to both Staunton and Waynesboro in the process.

Note I say “local town”. You may recall that I go to Washington DC a lot, and spend a lot of time in that town, which hopefully will be my local town before too long. So I draw that distinction.

But anyway, I went out and about, which was fun. Went to Staunton Mall. I had lunch at “Hot Wok”, a Chinese restaurant in the mall. I’d never eaten a meal at Hot Wok before. It was good.

After that, I was going to go to the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) office to get some assistance in finding that dream job in Washington, but they were closed due to Martin Luther King Day. A four-day weekend… how dare they! So I’ll be back there another day.

So what to do with the time I’d set aside for the VEC? I swung by the Augusta County Library, where I got online to do some very adult things. No, not those kind of adult things. Oh, no. I went online and paid some bills. That kind of adult stuff. The real glory of adulthood. The kind of stuff that kids can’t wait to get to do. Every child gets up in the morning and says, “Daddy, when I grow up, I want to pay bills just like you!” They all want money from me. So we made them happy for another month.

And then you remember how I said yesterday that I was going to the doctor? Well, I went. Turns out it’s tendonitis that I’ve got. Lovely. But I did get some feel-good medicine that will hopefully make me feel good.

So then I went to Wal-Mart to get my feel-good medicine. That was fun. And I said hello to Katie in the Garden Center while I was waiting on my prescription to be filled. That was fun.

And now, I have an evening at home. And what am I doing? Web stuff.

I don’t know what it is, but I like going out and tackling a list of things I need to do. These off-days are nice for that.

Web site: page about Tendonitis

Song: Don't have one...

Quote: Meanwhile, I'm excited about this clean-out job I'm getting ready to do on my room. Boy, do I ever need to clean things out.