



Not bad for a couple of hours’ work…

< 1 minute read

February 14, 2004, 2:17 AM

What did I do today? Not a lot in actual paint, but I did a lot of prepping. Take a look:

The earliest stages of painting

Basically, I did some serious prep work today, as I taped around the windows and the floor molding, removed the outlet covers on one wall, and then painted around one window, inside one corner, and around outlets. I deliberately didn’t break out the roller today. Just didn’t want to mess with it is all.

Tomorrow, I do along the floor and ceiling in the designated work area. I will probably officially break out the roller for the first time on Sunday night after work.

And late night is good for this. I can just do my work without any interference.

Web site: She Walks In Beauty, best put by Clair Huxtable: "Cliff, please let the woman sit down, she's been walking a long time!"

Song: The whir of the fan blades circulating some air around this place.

Quote: "This project goes to show that you can make a good quality product while still buying the cheapest stuff you can find."

Categories: Bedroom remodel