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“Is blue the color of good fortune?”

Scooter in blueWell? Is blue the color of good fortune? So far, it seems to be so. As many on JMU’s campus have known, when my scooter was fitted out with red wheels and red handlebars, I had six accidents within a few weeks! However, when I lost a considerable chunk out of the rear wheel, the scooter went into a temporary retirement, and new wheels were ordered immediately. I don’t know what it is, but when I got the new blue wheels and black handlebars, my accident record has improved dramatically. At the time of this writing, I have not had any accidents on the new wheels. Now watch… I say this, and next week (I’m writing this on a Friday night), I’ll have twelve accidents, end up in Rockingham Memorial Hospital, and total my scooter. Still, the blue wheels seem to have held up better than the red ones. And to be honest with you… though I didn’t like the pain associated with fall number six, I did kind of appreciate the loss of a part of the wheel. You see, I wanted a scooter fitted out in blue to begin with, but all they had was red and green at Vans Skatepark. So I got red, and now with this accident, I finally have the blue scooter I’ve always wanted…

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