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As you can see, “moon shoes” are not exactly something we can balance on…

I don’t know if you saw the splash page or not yet, but it shows me balancing on “moon shoes”…

This was taken on May 7 – Katie and I were out and about, and we were at the toy store at the Staunton Mall kind of goofing around. We saw the moon shoes, and Katie asked the salesperson if we could give them a whirl. She was fine with it. So we each tried them on. You saw me, and now here’s Katie:

As you can see, neither one of us really has the balance to handle these things. They did, however, hold my weight, which somewhat surprised me. I’d half expected it to just sink straight down to the floor when I got on. After all, these are intended for kids, not full-grown adults. But no, it held me up.

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