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The “No Armageddon” rally went well, and now I’m watching The Blues Brothers

The “No Armageddon For Bush” rally went quite well, as DAWN really put on a good show. It was also strange seeing David Barrows dressed up in religious robes:

The reason it was so strange seeing David in such robes was because the two previous times I’d seen him, he was wearing the orange jumpsuit and black hood that he uses in anti-torture demonstrations:

You may remember the former from my Confirmation Demonstration photo set, and the latter is from last November 16 in front of the White House. I got some mileage from that day, as I got a great shot of the woman in the black sweater and khaki dress in mid-argument, looking quite pissed. That became a photo feature on the front of the site.

I’m doing a Life and Times photo set about yesterday’s DAWN rally to be called “No Armageddon for Bush”. I was actually asked on two occasions if I would dress up in one of the striped prison outfits and wear one of the oversized heads of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Condoleezza Rice. On both occasions, I politely declined, as I preferred to be among the bunch of people with cameras snapping away. I did get someone to take a picture of me holding the Dick Cheney head, though. That’s a good one for the front of the site. It also gives a new meaning to the phrase, “Give me the head of Dick Cheney.”

Also, a surprise: No Freepers to be found.

Otherwise, though, tonight, I’m watching The Blues Brothers and saw the mall chase scene. It was something watching these cars speeding through a mall. They certainly made Dixie Square Mall look like an operating mall for the car chase (Dixie Square had closed down just prior to its being leased for the movie). All in all, though, it’s certainly an interesting movie.

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