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“Am I trying to kill myself or something?”

Scooter with helmet and red wheelsWell, I went to Potomac Mills again, and upon returning, I feel as if I have taken out a death warrant on myself. I bought one of those mini-scooters that are all the rage while I was up there, and if you saw me on that thing at the store where I bought it (Vans SkatePark in Neighborhood 2), you’ll see why. And even though I used to have a conventional scooter when I was younger, and used to go around on that thing all the time with no problem, I get on this thing, and I’m like a bull in a china shop. Didn’t know how to stop it, couldn’t balance on it, was shaking like crazy while I was on there… and still bought one. The reason I bought it, though, was strictly pragmatic. I am going to use it to ride to classes at JMU. Since my parents won’t let me take a car up, I’m going to ride this thing around campus and around Harrisonburg. That is after I learn it. And I have so much confidence that I’m not going to have an accident (I’m being sarcastic, by the way), that I went out and bought a helmet to wear when I am out on this thing, screaming, careening out of control into hundreds of JMU students. This way, I can protect the brain that my parents are paying big bucks to have educated. So… I am going to either master this thing, or get killed in the process.

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