



All I ever needed to know about life, I learned on The Schumin Web

< 1 minute read

March 2, 2004, 12:32 AM

I could make a book with that as the slogan. A friend of mine mentioned it to me, and I think it would be pretty amusing, don’t you think? And you think about it – my site is loaded when it comes to information. I have all sorts of stuff, in the quotes, the journal, the photo areas, all that. Lots of observations about modern life.

Meanwhile, as my site approaches eight years old (no bull!), it would be interesting to have.

But yeah, March 23 is my site’s eighth birthday. Wow… eight years. I was fourteen years old when I started my site. Now I’m 22. I was a freshman in high school back then, with a zit or two here and there (I never had a completely-broken-out face full of zits during puberty). Now I am – say it with me – an adult, doing things that adults do, like going to work every day, paying bills, etc. etc. etc.

Still, eight years. Wow. Doesn’t feel like that long ago.

Categories: Schumin Web meta

No one said in orientation that Wal-Mart was a full contact sport!

3 minute read

December 22, 2003, 12:38 AM

Yeah, Wal-Mart is a full-contact sport, it seems. Of course, the day after Thanksgiving, known as “Black Friday” (a day where I wore all black to be silly) is very much full-contact, with the customers practically killing each other for great deals.

Then there’s me – I’ve managed to hit myself in the face a few times with oddly-shaped-but-light items. Mostly wrapping paper. I’m trying to manage the wrapping paper, getting it from the belt to the bag, and in the process manage to hit myself in the head. Really smooth. There was another time when I accidentally hit the checkout light (you know, the red thing with the number on it) with a roll of wrapping paper. A small flurry of dust fell off of the number and onto me.

All in all, though, I like my job, and so that’s always a good thing.

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Let’s talk hat hair here…

< 1 minute read

December 20, 2003, 12:37 AM

Ladies and gentlemen, I have severe hat hair! This is what happens when you wear a Santa hat for nine hours straight. We’ve been wearing these little Santa hats on the registers, and I have a big head, and so my hair gets crushed. So say hello to hat hair. I figure it must be Wal-Mart’s method of getting us to wear the hats all day. Once you wear the hat for a little bit, there goes your good hair day. So you keep the hat on all day and only remove it once you’re safely out of the store and somewhere where people won’t comment on your hat hair.

Meanwhile, I’ve finished sorting images for The Schumin Web Transit Center, my new transit-oriented site, and now I’m combing through those images, and prepping images for the site. Basically, I’m clearing out obviously bad images (blurry, not properly framed, etc.), and bringing out the good qualities in the ones that are left. Most of them are of DC Metro (as in Metrorail), and so be prepared to see a lot of trains…

And one last thing

< 1 minute read

November 28, 2003, 2:30 AM

It is up to my sister to come up with a better picture than my November 2003 picture for the splash page. She said, upon seeing it, “What are you doing to that poor dresser?” I will admit – after being told what it looks like, it does look like I’m humping the dresser, but I swear it was totally innocent. Ask Kathleen from LPCM, who took the picture, and she’ll tell you that it was innocent, too.

So my sister is in charge of December’s picture. She needs a little coaching on what I want in a picture. She wants to find a premade image of a buff guy totally naked except for a Santa hat covering his you-know-what, and photoshop my head onto it. I rejected it out of hand. No way on that one.

She still has to come up with something, and it had better be better than that last idea. I’m interested to see, myself…

Categories: Family, LPCM, Schumin Web meta

I wish I had this font back then…

< 1 minute read

November 22, 2003, 11:04 PM

I’m looking at this page about highways in Texas, and if you look at the link (it will open in a new window, so don’t worry about losing me), notice the font on the road sign. That’s the actual road-sign font, which is officially called “FHWA Series E Modified”. For Windows, someone made a font called “Blue Highway”, which looks like FHWA Series E Modified.

I wish that I had this font back in 1997 when I did my site up with a highway theme. All my page titles were graphical road signs, but instead of the official highway font, I used about every different font I could find on those signs. I used Arial, Times New Roman, some ransom-paste type font, you name it. It was interesting, but if I had the real font, oh, how sharp it would have looked…

Categories: Schumin Web meta

Ever feel a little swamped?

< 1 minute read

November 11, 2003, 1:44 PM

I feel a little bit swamped today. I do want to get a new quote up to prevent the current quote from running for three full weeks, but when I will get to it is another story entirely.

But it’s good to be busy, because it means things are getting accomplished.

Categories: Schumin Web meta

Spam seems to officially be crippling Email, but not how you would think…

< 1 minute read

October 30, 2003, 11:21 AM

Yes, spam, as in unsolicited commercial Email, is crippling the Email system. But not how you think. It seems that as a result of people and their overzealous spam filters that nowadays I’m more astonished when Email DOES arrive than it getting eaten.

It used to be so easy to get Emails through to people. Address, message, subject, and voila. Done. If I need to send a file as previously discussed, I attach it and go.

Nowadays, there have been cases of all kinds of messages being eaten. Kathleen, the LPCM campus minister, recently sent me a whole bunch of stuff that never showed up, eaten up by the Email monster. I Emailed Dr. Teske a sound that we had previously discussed. Never showed up, though interestingly enough, it did show up for the friend I CC-ed it to who’s on the same server. I Emailed Dr. Skelley a paper recently, and it never showed up. Very frustrating…

At least I got the spam filters taken off of Schumin Web. You send something to my Email address, and I can assure you, I will get it. This after I nearly lost some domain names because the spam filter was eating my confirmation Emails.

It’s sad when I can say that the spammers are winning in destroying Email, but not directly due to their own activities, but rather some overzealous filtering techniques that will eat more Emails than they let through.

Categories: Internet, Schumin Web meta

I love it when things come together.

< 1 minute read

October 9, 2003, 1:29 AM

I do so love it when things come together. With the help of “STN 2” on the CafePress boards, I got a new set of ASP code up and running on my Online Store. I don’t know about you, but I think it looks really good. I also took the opportunity to make a few other changes on there to enhance the appearance. And it took maybe an hour tops to do the conversion and testing, testing it in a “test-stoer” directory (I mistyped and decided to leave it, since it was a test folder, after all). So take a look, let me know what you think… you know. All that good stuff. And buy some Schumin Web merchandise – the thongs are still there.

Categories: Schumin Web meta

Don’t you hate it when…

< 1 minute read

September 20, 2003, 3:47 PM

Don’t you just hate it when things don’t work out? I’ve been having such difficulty with the photo for my upcoming “cell phone rant” quote, and as such, I’m forced to reschedule it from going up tomorrow to going up in another week. Thankfully, I have another quote ready to go, so it’s just a matter of swapping dates, but still… this was a quote I’d really “talked up” in the last week. But this is what happens when reality rears its ugly head sometimes…

Categories: Schumin Web meta

Ever heard of CMATA?

< 1 minute read

September 2, 2003, 7:50 AM

Who would think I could take elements of The High Speed Credit Pursuit and make a public administration case out of it? But I did… so I created for this project the Carinthia Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, otherwise known as CMATA. That ought to be a fun case, as I threw in a bunch of inside jokes not only on the “system map” for the subway (a modification of Metro‘s system map), but also in the case itself. Fun…

Categories: JMU, Schumin Web meta


< 1 minute read

August 30, 2003, 9:40 AM

The journal just now got a little facelift… I updated the way things present themselves on the main journal page and the Archives. I cut the “of the moment” stuff, and reduced the display size of the main entries from 12 points to 10 points. Additionally, now twenty entries display on the Life and Times page, which means, considering that this is entry #15, for the next five entries, everything shows up on the site…

Categories: Schumin Web meta


< 1 minute read

July 23, 2003, 9:24 PM

Whee… I’m finished. I just uploaded the entire Web site again… that’s a good several hours out of a day. This is part of that upload, my new Online Journal in Life and Times. Check it out from time to time… I hope to have fun with it.

Categories: Schumin Web meta