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Meanwhile, about Sunday…

I had fun today, as I completed the field work for my Rosslyn photo set. I have followed 1815 North Fort Myer Drive from operating office building to hole in the ground. Today, I finished up with photos of the completed demolition. Basically, we went from this:

To this:

So now, of course, the real work begins. I have to bring together about six formal photo shoots and a few casual passings-by, and make a Photography set. The field work, with the camera, is the easy part and the fun part, you see. The time spent in front of the computer is the not-so-fun part. But the finished product is often really cool, so I’m not complaining too much.

Otherwise, though, the leaves are about at their peak in the vacant lot next to my apartment:

I was disappointed that I didn’t get leaf pictures last year. This year, I made up for it, and at least was able to have some pictures to show my mother.

And lastly, what’s going on here?

It appears that this man is using a torch to cut the steps off the center of the water tower next to Glenmont station. For those not familiar, this is the water tower in question:

Note this:

That crown-like structure on the top of the water tower was added within the last few months, so it appears something is definitely going on with this water tower. Does anyone know what’s going on here? Are they renovating the tower? Preparing to take it down? Otherwise? Kinda weird.

Regardless, though, this man has been busy:

And all in all, I just wish it had been sunny all day. Clouds are not a photographer’s friend, I have to say. Actually, that’s not completely true. Completely sunny lends a bluish tint to photos that’s a pain to correct. I like partly cloudy, where there are some clouds, but nothing that will bring rain. That’s what makes the colors come out right.

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