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I remember this day from three years ago like it was yesterday…

It’s 2:30 PM on October 17, 2007. Three years ago today, possibly down to the minute, I was running around with Teapot and crew looking for the guy in the hot dog suit and the chicken suit. Then right after that, I met Jess for the first time.

Yes, the Million Worker March was three years ago today. Three years ago today, I was in DC, and supporting the labor movement. Three years ago today, I was in front of the Hotel Washington, supporting the workers. Three years ago today, I visited the Infoshop for the first time. What a great find that turned out to be. Three years. Wow.

That demonstration produced a lot of memorable images, too…

Radical cheerleaders…

Gathered around the Lincoln Memorial…

Our rallying at the Hotel Washington in support of the rank-and-file workers…

…and the hotel workers showing their appreciation of our presence.

I also remember how screwed up the Blue and Yellow Lines were that day, as they were doing track work, requiring single-tracking from Pentagon City to Braddock Road stations.

Still, I remember the Million Worker March being significant for its timing. This was about the only major protest in DC during the lead-up to the 2004 election. MGJ, Jubilee USA, and others critical of the World Bank and IMF declined to organize a major action for fall 2004, not wanting to distract from the upcoming election. Likewise, the AFL-CIO would not endorse the Million Worker March for the same reason.

Still, it feels like it was yesterday…

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