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“We don’t want you to worry about cooking while you’re shopping, so come to your McDonald’s in Wal-Mart…”

I have now been back at work for three days, and you know what? I am still getting back into my groove. I’m still getting used to standing up all day once again. Before this operation, I could stand up all day, no problem. Now I’ve got to work my way back up to that again.

Meanwhile, what has just amazed me is one of the automated announcements that the in-store McDonald’s runs over the loudspeaker. The announcement in question goes like this: “We don’t want you to worry about cooking while you’re shopping, so come to your McDonald’s in Wal-Mart…”

I think that what McDonald’s is trying to say that they don’t want you to worry about having to cook up a meal later on, and thus why they want you to come to the in-store McDonald’s. But that’s not how the announcement comes off. To me, it sounds like they don’t want people cooking food while they are shopping, since they talk about taking a “shopping break” at McDonald’s. It’s like if it weren’t for McDonald’s, people would be putting a hot plate in the kiddie seat and start warming up a can of soup right there in the middle of the store.

Meanwhile, I don’t know what got into me today, but I was just SMOKING on the register today. I was going SO fast. And it was a very exhilarating feeling, too. The only downside to the day was that the vending machine in the break room was out of Sunkist. So for the first time in months, my last break, which I have dubbed my “orange soda break” since I started drinking an orange soda on that break, and only that break. So this is the first time in a long time that I didn’t have any orange soda on my orange soda break.

So all in all, it’s been interesting. And I am glad to be back at work. That two weeks was just what I needed. It allowed me time to recover from my surgery for one, plus it was useful for helping to recharge the batteries, since I was getting burned out.

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