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I’m just like, “Oh, my gawd…”

This evening, after unveiling a beautiful new Online Store, I did a little photo research online. I went looking for photos that other people took of various protests that I’ve been to.

The first one I looked for is the Million Worker March. I found a few groups of photos. I even found one photo with me in it. I was just like, “Oh, my gawd…” Even though I was a participant in a feeder march, the main rally, and the breakaway march to the hotel, I still find it interesting to find myself in a photo of the group. Especially since I usually never find myself in these photos. In another photo off of an Indymedia site (not DC’s, and I can’t remember which one), I was just barely missed. The people next to me were photographed, but I somehow ended up behind a banner. But in this one photo at the hotel, I found myself, and I was in the process of taking a movie with Big Mavica. I checked the movie that I was taking (I’m probably going to use it), and the photographer came into frame and took the image. Cool!

I also looked up the April 12, 2003 ANSWER march at Freedom Plaza that I turned into A Protest Against the War. For that one, I was strictly a photographer. I did not march, instead choosing to meet up with the marchers at two locations along their route. As such, the photo set I found showed a lot of stuff I never saw due to the way I covered it. Of course, I had less than a day’s notice on it to begin with on the event. But still, it’s neat to see others’ perspectives of the event. I did not expect to find myself in any of the April 12 photos, and no surprises turned up there.

I also think it’s neat to find the people I have pictures of in the other people’s photographs. I just think it’s neat to find other vantage points and such. I found the girl I interviewed back at the April 12 ANSWER march in one of the photos. I found myself in a photo at the Million Worker March from a few weeks ago. All in all, it’s just kind of cool.

And once I get my site redesign finished, I intend to get caught up on my photo sets. Unlike when I did my Lights of the Night photo sets, which were mostly older photo sets that were just now finally getting used, these new Life and Times and Photography sets are actually new material rather than “new old stock”. Then you can see a full presentation on the Million Worker March, my vacation to the beach, and the two demonstrations on October 2.

Oh, and if you haven’t changed your clocks for the end of Daylight Savings Time yet, you are late…

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