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I have the computer back in order, and for the first time in a while, this desk is clean!

First of all, look:

Notice the desk and dresser are in similar positions as before, but about two feet to the left, and I have a Mainstays torchiere lamp with reading light next to the bed.

The computer is set up basically the same as before, though I’m getting a small shelf to put the printer on so that it’s above the scanner. The printer was the only thing I couldn’t place neatly in the new layout, since it was in the bookshelf before. And I’m watching Seinfeld while I’m taking photos once again.

The only catch about this whole thing right now is that the couch is not yet here, and remnants of the new paint job are still around. That’s all going to go away hopefully tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I’m buying the new bookshelf tomorrow after work. That’s going to be really nice looking when I finish putting it together. Then after that, things start coming in, as I load the bookshelf and the new cabinets I have, plus get the couch back in here. It looks weird having a blank space flanked by torchiere lamps.

I also let out a good round of Lemon Pledge on some of the furniture in here, to get rid of the spackling dust once and for all and give everything a shine again. Interestingly enough, Lemon Pledge has more lemons in it than Country Time Lemonade. Frightening, no?

Just think – things are coming together, slowly but surely.

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