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We moved the bed, and one last section to go.


The bed is in its new home! Mom said I was nuts putting the bed against two outside walls. Of course, how convenient that she forgets that Sis’s room is already done up that way, with her bed against two outside walls. But still, I like it. I have yet to sleep in the bed in this orientation, but it looks good. Plus I’m glad to see some furniture against a gray wall for a change. It looks GOOD. I also put outlet covers on the plugs that are next to the bed’s location (they sell those in infants, not hardware, to my surprise). This way, I don’t accidentally get my butt zapped, which I think is important.

And this is the progress that I made today. See? That’s the wall that the bed used to be. That was perhaps the worst part of the old paint job. You could tell prior to my painting that the wall was touched up in a number of places from old pictures on the wall, a couple of gashes that we had made when we dismantled the top bunk (that bed of mine used to be bunk beds), and whatever else. Either way, there was a lot of non-uniformity, as the original paint had become an off-color, and newer paintwork made for some striking non-uniformity. It looked bad, let’s just say that. So now it’s all clean and new looking again, with a uniform color in place. And the couch will go against this wall when I’m done, with my WMATA map hanging above it.

As you can see, since I last showed you pictures, I did behind the dresser’s former location. I did that ahead of the other wall so I would only have to move the bed once. And so the only place left to do will be the area behind the desk. That’s going to be hell. Since to do that, I have to clean off the desk, dismantle my computer setup, put that all somewhere, move the desk, paint behind it, and then put all the stuff back into place. The desk and dresser will be in different places when I’m done, but only a few feet to the left. Still, it’s got to get painted. You know how it is. Once the first drop of paint goes on the wall, you’re committed to the whole room.

And before I can set the dresser and desk into their new positions, I have to set these things up. These are little cabinets that I bought at Wal-Mart (where else) in the Hardware department. They will hold videotapes. It’s a more subtle solution to holding videotapes than the old videotape wall, while at the same time elevating the printer to where I want it. Plus it looks so darn good.

Also, am I the only one who thinks that fresh paint smells wonderful? I think that they should make an air freshener or a cologne that has that new paint scent. Call it “Sherwin Williams #5”. I could even come up with the commercial for it: “Sherwin Williams #5 tells your date that you’re willing to make a strong commitment. That you’re thinking ahead in your life. With Sherwin Williams #5, you can go into life with confidence, knowing the color of your future.”

I sent that to Sis over IM. Her reaction was, “mmm-hmm”. A little over the top, I think. But I like it. Meanwhile, I told the people at work about it, and they asked me how much of those paint fumes I’d inhaled since I started this repaint job.

Well, I like it.

Otherwise, I found the original for the photo that propelled me to international stardom (a stretch, I know). By that, I mean this photo:

That’s me at CFW, and that picture was run with the “Geek of the Month” article about me for Front magazine in England. So I was in the same magazine as photos of scantily clad women, and all kinds of other macho stuff. Plus Davinia Taylor in a rather revealing photo on the cover. I wouldn’t buy that kind of magazine myself, but I did find it amusing to see myself in there.

So there you go. Now I have to assemble some cabinets (praying I have the equipment to do it), and then dismantle the stuff on my desk. But I’m doing that tomorrow.

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